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Home / Jazznews / Others / The Storyteller of G.Kontrafouris on vinyl only at Public store!
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The Storyteller of G.Kontrafouris on vinyl only at Public store!

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The album was first released on April 16, 2007 only on cd. As it turned out it was his last album on piano for many years, as he devoted himself to the hammond organ and the Baby Trio.The Storyteller is probably the best album of George Kontrafouris – he strucks in his time and showed extra durability as one of the long-sellers of Puzzlemusik.Today, Puzzlemusik releases the album in vinyl as part of the anniversary of the 10 years of the company.The release was made in cooperation with Public stores and the vinyl will be available exclusively form Public stores and from Public.gr.

The vinyl version has differences from the cd. A new mastering has been done by George Priniotakis (Artracks Studios),and the order of the tracks are different. All this for a better audio performance in terms of vinyl standards, while for the same reason and in order to reduce the overall length of the album, the song «Oj Djevojko Dje Si Ruze Brala» has been removed.

George Kontrafouris: piano
Costas Constantinou: Double bass
Alvester Garnett: Drums

Last modified on Tuesday, 29 November 2016 08:59

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