I don't care too much about music. What I like is sounds. -- Dizzie Gillespie
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The Storyteller - 2007

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George Kontrafouris Trio - The Storyteller

George Kontrafouris: piano
Kostas Konstantinou: bass
Alvester Garnett: drums

Lydia Filipovic: voice on track 3
Sam Newsome: soprano saxophone on track 3
The I.Q. string quartet: on tracks 1,4 and 8
Lesya Ponomareva: violin
Juletta Avetian: violin
Larissa Vylegjanina: viola
Susan Norton: cello
All selections composed and arranged by George Kontrafouris except track 3, which is a traditional song from Montenegro, arranged by Olivier Gatto.

Produced by George Kontrafouris.

Recorded and mixed by Yiannis Tountas at City Studios, Athens, Greece on November 2000
Track 3 recorded and mixed by Michel Del Campo at Orlandus Studio, Merignac, France on February 21, 2002
Mastered by Robert de Godzinsky at Studio Sound Team Godzinsky, Kirkkonummi, Finland on January 26, 2007
Enhanced cd mastered by George Priniotakis at Artracks Studios, Athens, Greece.
Design: Jason Leontidis
Cover Photography: Panagiotis Tsakos
Group Photography: Dimitris Athanasiou
George Photography: Margarita Bofiliou

Puzzlemusik co-ordinator: Christos Alexopoulos
Puzzlemusik PIECE 002

Last modified on Tuesday, 29 November 2016 08:41

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