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10 years Puzzlemusik

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This year the season starts early for Puzzlemusik : this autumn they celebrate 10 years of operation ! To celebrate they have prepared five anniversary releases.
By the end of 2016 will be released the new album of George Kontrafouris, Maria Latsinou and Lower Cut.

George Kontrafouris - Haunted Poems
The second piano album of Kontrafouris after "The Storyteller" 2007 ! And here there will be surprises . Such that some of the album tracks are actually ... poems. And this will not be the only surprise ... All poems are written by George Kontrafouris and recites by Alkinoos Ioannidis . It will be released by the end of the year .

Maria Latsinou - mia anasa meta

Lower Cut - tba
Completed remixes for the second album of Lower Cut. A first glimpse we get with the video-single "Ocean" . It will be released by the end of the year .

Christos Alexopoulos - Meanwhile Sessions
It will be released (only in digital form ) in November and contains outtakes from the album Meanwhile , Christos Alexopoulos (2012 ) .

George Kontrafouris - The Storyteller ( anniversary edition vinyl )
This album had become the second release Puzzlemusik back in 2007. It was released on cd only and is one of long-sellers of the company. There is still a stock of cd in stores but has stopped distributed as it has exhausted the stock of the warehouse of Puzzlemusik. It will be released first on vinyl ( limited edition ) early in November. The order of the songs on vinyl will be very different from the cd.

Last modified on Monday, 05 September 2016 09:47

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