I don't care too much about music. What I like is sounds. -- Dizzie Gillespie
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Lost in Jazz

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Lost In Jazz at Lost Unicorn, Ag. Paraskevi, Pelio - entrance 10 euros - +30 2426049930 -

Sunday , August 23 at 21:00
“Two piano, four hands” Nikola Anadoli & Alexandros Orfanos

Monday, August 24 at 21:00
”…from the New York Jazz scene to Tsagarada” POINT TWO: Christos Rafalides & Petros Klampanis - special guest Thanos Daskalopoulos
Point Two
is a project of Christos Rafalides and Petros Klampanis, both based in NYC. They play a mix of original compositions, jazz standards and covers that are given an entirely fresh perspective through this unusual instrumentation.(2014)

Tuesday, August 25 at 21:00
“ΤΑΚΕ 4(2x2)” George Kontrafouris & Thanos Daskalopoulos

Last modified on Sunday, 23 August 2015 10:33