“The wise musicians are those who play what they can master” Duke Ellington
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Displaying items by tag: Athina Live
Thursday, 17 November 2011 18:47

Venue - Athina Live

Highly recommended to all jazz fans.

Published in Jazz Bars & Venues

THE PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE GUITAR (PCG) by Guthrie Govan at Yiorgos Fakanas Art Music School on April 5, 2014
The Honorary Professor of Yiorgos Fakanas Art Music School, Guthrie Govan will supervised the exams and will sign the PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE ELECTRIC GUITAR – GUITAR (PCG) – Those interested should contact the Secretariat of the Conservatory (201 4813605) to register.
Published in Jazz Education
Tuesday, 09 September 2014 00:00

Art Music School - Yiorgos Fakanas

The Art Music School is considered the most experimented educational activity in the field of contemporary music and especially Jazz, Fusion, Rock and Blues. Operating now for 14 years, it provides systematic education in modern, classical and traditional music to hundreds of students.

Published in Jazz Education
Thursday, 03 April 2014 00:00

Guitar Show at Athina Live

GUITAR SHOW at Athina Live with the participation of some of the best guitarists of the Greek music scene, their band and one of the greatest guitarists of the International scene, Guthrie Govan with the “Aristocrats” (Bryan Beller & Marco Minemmann

Published in Jazz Education
Friday, 01 January 2016 00:00

The aristocrats

The Aristocrats are what some may consider a virtuous musical powerhouse, consisting of axe-wielding extraordinary, Guthrie Govan, drummer Marco Minneman and bassist Bryan Beller. Each musician of this morbidly talented trio clearly posses an outrageous ability to both improvise as well as compose catchy, off-tempo and ever-progressing jams. “More fun than fusion has any right to be.” – Rhythm Magazine (UK)

Published in Musicians in town
Friday, 05 February 2016 00:00

Mike Stern

Athina Live offer us once again the best in the Jazz-Fusion today. “one of the best electric guitarist of his generation “ International Herald Tribune. Mike Stern (guitar) and Yorgos Fakanas Group .

Published in Musicians in town
Thursday, 11 June 2015 00:00


2nd DRUMS & PERCUSSION FESTIVAL - THE RHYTHMS OF THE WORLD at Athina Live stage, ARΤ MUSIC SCHOOL G.V.Fakanas - 3 Posidonos Av. , Athens on June 11, 2015 at 20:00 - entrance free .The Drum & Percussion Festival returns to the warm venue of “Athina Live” Stage (Art Music School G.V.Fakanas), holding the most intercultural form : four of the greatest music groups in Greece, bring us the rhythms from all over the world.The dance rhythms of Brazil meet the Zen rhythms of Japan, the exotic rhythms of Africa and the power beat of American march.

Saturday, 09 November 2013 09:37

10 years Athina Live – 2003-2013

For ten years, more than 100 musicians, (some of the best musician of the world musical scene) such as Mike Stern, Dennis Chambers, Anthony Jackson, Victor Wooten, Joe Zawinul, Pat Martino, Dave Weckl, Steve Gadd, Bireli Lagrene, John Scoffield, Scott Henderson and many others came to play, to do seminars, & workshops and to do recording

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