It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
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17 Nov

Venue – Athina Live

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Highly recommended to all jazz fans.

ATHINA ‘LIVE first open on New Year’s Day 1999 at the Art Music School of Yiorgos Fakanas, an outstanding bassist. It quickly became the Jazz-fusion Place for Greece. The greatest musicians of jazz fusion, but not only, have played at Athina Live : Mike Stern, Dennis Chambers, Victor Wooten, Joe Zawinull, Pat Martino, Wallace Roney , Birelli Lagrene and many more……
This is a place where the very best of Jazz, Fusion, Rock & Blues is played by the elite of the international musical scene. Every concert is a special musical event for the all city of Athens

10 years Athina Live – 2003-2013
For ten years, more than 100 musicians, (some of the best musician of the world musical scene) such as Mike Stern, Dennis Chambers, Anthony Jackson, Victor Wooten, Joe Zawinul, Pat Martino, Dave Weckl, Steve Gadd, Bireli Lagrene, John Scoffield, Scott Henderson and many others came to play, to do seminars, & workshops and to do recording
What they said about it :

Athina Live at Fakanas Art Music School – Posidonos av. 3 — Moschato -210-4813605 – 210-4819355 –

Last modified on Friday, 09 September 2016 13:51

