I don't care too much about music. What I like is sounds. -- Dizzie Gillespie
Home / Jazznews / Jazz festival in Greece / Displaying items by tag: Markos Alexiou
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Displaying items by tag: Markos Alexiou
Sunday, 02 November 1980 23:00

Sphinx - 7 Diastasis -1980

Sphinx – 7 Diastasis (ACBA)
Published in Discography
Wednesday, 31 October 1979 23:00

Sphinx - 1979

Sphinx - Sphinx (ACBA) 1979 - Released in 1979, Sphinx is the album that defined Greek Jazz.
Published in Discography
Saturday, 13 November 2004 23:00

Epifoticic – 2004

Alexiou/zois - Epifoticic
Published in Discography
Sunday, 18 November 2001 00:00

Playin' in the Air - 2001

Playin' in the Air - Markos Alexiou

Published in Discography
Saturday, 18 November 2000 00:00

Dialogue Blue - 2000

Mitiades Papastamou + Marcos Alexiou - Dialogue Blue

Published in Discography
Friday, 18 November 1994 00:00

Flying to the Unknown – 1994

Flying to the Unknown – Markos Alexiou

Published in Discography

The sixth edition of the Festival will be held on August 28, 29, 30 August, with musicians of the Greek jazz scene and one guest from abroad, under the lead of the artistic Director of the festival George Kontrafouris. Jazz in Tinos will be broadcast live by NEPIT WEBTV.

Thursday, 14 November 2013 14:18

Alexiou Markos

Pianist, Composer
Published in Musicians