It's taken me all my life to learn what not to play. -- Dizzie Gillespie

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Syros Jazz Festival 2014

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The 2nd Syros Jazz Festival will take place on June 1, 2 &3, 2014 at Apollon Theater, Ermoupolis – entrance free to all concert and Masterclass.

On the line up of this year edition, some of the best representatives of the Greek jazz scene such as George Kontrafouris, Takis Barberis, Tania Giannouli, and the excellent Reis-Demuth-Wiltgen Trio from Luxembourg.
On June 3. 2014, Yiannis Roussos from Contemporary Music School will have a masterclass on Jazz Improvisation .
Subscripton is necessary for masterclass – call Athina Xeimariou at 6972494779 or send mail at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it with your name, telephone number.

June 1, 2014 -
- Yannis Roussos Quartet / 20:30
Yiannis Roussos, drums - Dimitris Kalantzis, piano - Dimitris Papadopoulos. trumpet - Dinos Manos. bass
- Baby Trio / 22:00
George Kontrafouris, hammond - Konstantinos Stouraitis, guitar - Yiannis Papadoulis, drums
More about George Kontrafouris

June 2, 2014 -
- Michalis Katachanas Quartet / 20:30
Michalis Katachanas, viola - Thodoris Kotsifas. guitar - Kimonas Karoutzos, bass - Vasilis Podaras, drums
More about Michalis Katachanas
- Reis/Demuth/Wiltgen / 22:00
Michel Reis, pianon - Marc Demuth, bass - Wiltgen, drums
More about Reis Demuth Wiltgen Trio

June 3, 2014
- Seminar Jazz Improvisation / 13:00 with Yiannis Roussos
- Tania Giannouli Ensemble / 20:30
Tania Giannouli, piano - Guido de Flaviis, sax - Solis Barki, percussion - Stefanos Giannopoulos, cello
More about Tanis Giannouli

- Takis Barberis Group / 22:00
Takis Barberis, guitar - Manos Saridakis, piano - Giorgos Georgiadis, bass - Giorgos Polychronakos, drums
More about Takis Barberis

Last modified on Friday, 30 September 2016 12:40