It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
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Jazz in Paros 2014

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JAZZ IN PAROS FESTIVAL 2014 - Arts Culture Europe is presenting the fourth edition of the JAZZ IN PAROS FESTIVAL to be held on the wonderful island of Paros, Cyclades Greece. SATURDAY JULY 19 to SUNDAY JULY 27, 2014

The next edition will feature the voice with three wonderful singers: Heleen Schuttevaêr from Netherlands, Anna Lauvergnac from Italy and Chloé Cailleton from France. A new "Electric" Paris Paros Project with musicians from Greece and France will perform at Paros Park.

Jazz In Paros Festival is growing into its fourth year and will be held from July 19 to 27, 2014 on the beautiful island of Paros in Greece. Its reputation on the island is gaining influence due to its formula of bringing international and Greek performing artists to the Cycladic Islands.

All week long there will be concerts featuring jazz-related music performed throughout the island on outdoor stages underneath the stars. A creative performance of jazz and poetry is planned for the Lefkes Amphitheater, featuring the Parian poet Christos Georgousis and the students of the Paros Jazz Academy. PJA is a unique music experience for jazz enthusiasts which is held during the Jazz In Paros Festival:

The Jazz in Paros Festival (JIP) is the collaboration of two countries, France and Greece, with a common passion : jazz. Since its creation in 2010, the JIP has had more and more success, ranging from a large public audience to enthusiastic jazz buffs. This year once again, the festival offers a program of high quality. Featuring internationally renowned musicians, coming from countries throughout Europe : Italy, France, Sweden, Greece, Netherlands…

The Jazz in Paros Festival benefits from the unique sites that form the beauty of Paros, in the Cycladic islands : the traditional village of Marpissa, the amphitheater of Lefkes located in the heart of the island, Paros Park and its splendid panoramic view of the bay of Naoussa.

JIP 2014 Program

Monday 21 July at 21:30
– Marpissa.
- HELEEN SCHUTTEVAÊR TRIO - Heleen Schuttevaêr (p & voc)
- CHLOÉ CAILLETON QUARTET - Chloé Cailleton (voc), Stéphane Tsapis (p), Arnaud Biscay (dr),Marc Buronfosse (cb).
Wednesday 23 July at 21:30, Paros Park – Naoussa.
PARIS PAROS PROJECT presents ELECTRIC SOUNDS QUARTET Andreas Polyzogopoulos (trump), Marc-Antoine Perrio (g), Arnaud Biscay (dr), Marc Buronfosse (b) -Special guest : Stéphane Tsapis (keyboards).
Thursday 24 July at 21:30, amphitheater – Lefkes.
POETRY MEETS JAZZ & ANNA LAUVERGNAC QUARTET Dimitra Marangozis (p), Vasilis Gouzios (sax), Stéphane Tsapis (p), Joe Quitzke (dr), Marc Buronfosse (cb), Anna Lauvergnac (voc).
Sunday 27 July at 21:30, Thalassa Mou Restaurant – Piso Aliki
CHLOÉ CAILLETON, ANNA LAUVERGNAC & HELEEN SCHUTTEVAÊR Chloé Cailleton (voc), Anna Lauvergnac (voc), Heleen Schuttevaêr (voc).

JAZZ IN PAROS at HOLLAND TUNNEL Art Gallery Paroikia - (date and musicians to be announced).

In collaboration with the festival, Paros International Jazz Academy presents :
- STUDENTS’ Concert + jam session on Friday 25 July at 21:30, Brazil Bar – Piso Livadi.
- Jam session AROUND THE POOL on Saturday 19, Sunday 20 et Tuesday 22 July at 21:30, Albatross Hotel – Logaras.

The organization of the Jazz In Paros Festival is a collaboration between:
Athena Perantinou, director of Paros Jazz Academy & Jazz In Paros Festival, and Marc Buronfosse, musician and artistic director of Paros Jazz Academy & Jazz In Paros Festival.
Arts Culture Europe is a non profit organization for the promotion of music and arts in Europe.

Marc Buronfosse about Paros Jazz - Interview

Last modified on Friday, 11 July 2014 16:34