We all do 'do, re, mi', but you have to find the other notes yourself. -- Louis Armstrong
Home / Articles/Interviews / Jazz Point / Dizzy & Miles
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12 Nov

Dizzy & Miles

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Dizzy & Miles has all the characteristics of small jazz club, always crowded, warm and overflowing with music.

Retro atmosphere, warm earthy colors in a renovated neoclassical building in the heart of Pagrati (Athens), Dizzy Miles is properly configured to host musical events : Jazz, Funk, Soul, Tango and Blues with some notes of classical music on Sundays afternoon.

DIZZY & MILES - Athanasias 4, Pagrati 210 3640614 & 210 7520272 - http://www.dizzymiles.com/

Last modified on Tuesday, 15 November 2011 20:31

