We all do 'do, re, mi', but you have to find the other notes yourself. -- Louis Armstrong
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10 May

Lizard Sound “Recordings”

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Lizard sound is a modern recording studio set in Alimos, Greece, a top class recording studio at the south part of Athens that started in 2010.

The studio’s facilities offer exceptionally high-quality acoustic recording, production and mixing – all in a flexible arranged single studio, with an experienced sound engineer.
The owner Dimitris Karpouzas, after working for many years as studio manager and sound technician, knew exactly what to consider, in order to built his own studio.The professional, relaxing and creative working environment, the acoustic flexibility of the rooms, as well as the unique selection of equipment, are some of the characteristics of the place.
Dimitris has collaborated with the elite of the local jazz scene and with international artists. Some of the names included, are:

Yiorgos Fakanas, Yiorgos Kontrafouris, Dimitris Kalantzis, Takis Paterelis, David Lynch,Crazy People Music, Kostis Christodoulou, Leonidas Sarantopoulos, Jazz on TAP and Yorgos Krommydas

Anthony Jackson,Dave Weckl, Dennis Chambers, Horacio “el negro” Hernadez, Alex Acuna, Adam Nussbaum, Frank Gambale, Mitchel Forman, Eric Marienthal, Tony Lacatos, Scot Kinsey

Birelli Lagrene


Last modified on Wednesday, 02 November 2011 13:20

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