“Life is a lot like jazz... it's best when you improvise”. George Gershwin
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16 Feb

The Longest Road I Know - 2013

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Small Blues Trap

Small Blues Trap wander and remember the good ol' days; they cross the frenzy lake whispering their fears; they treat everything as a big joke feeling estranged to reality; they need to escape and so they walk the longest road they 've ever known... They have just released their new album with the title: “The Longest Road I Know”.

After nine years of presence in the music scene of Greece and already three albums which have been highly acclaimed by the international and Greek press ("Our Trap", 2005; "Crossroad Ritual", 2006; "Red Snakes & Cave Bats", 2010), SMALL BLUES TRAP continue their musical trip with their album "The Longest Road I Know" having as their companion Georgia Sylleou, who sings on four of the album's tracks.

Mixing their passion for blues -the bedrock of their compositions- with elements from other music genres, SMALL BLUES TRAP have managed to create a very characteristic personal sound which is recognizable and unique.

Last modified on Sunday, 10 November 2013 21:15

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