I don't care too much about music. What I like is sounds. -- Dizzie Gillespie
Home / Discography / "Western Syphilization" - 2013
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21 Feb

"Western Syphilization" - 2013

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Dimitris Monn Trio

the first album of Dimitris Monn Trio.
A trio consisting of guitar, bass and drums has always been a challenge for musicians, trying to express themselves without piano accompaniment.

It seems that in the case of DMTrio, the project has been successful creating an ingenuous and adventurous rock & jazz atmosphere, through compositions by Dimitris Monn.

The influences are many, among them John Scofield, John Coltrane, Jimmy Hendrix, Pat Metheny, Aka Moon but also ‘the locals’ Vassilis Rakopoulos, Takis Barberis, David Lynch and so on. Elements from different kinds of music, together with a trend to experiment with forms and rhythms, are present in this project. DMTrio induces us to a vigorous musical journey, but also urges us to view things in a different perspective, the latter also supported by tracks titles and cover artwork by Achilleas Gatsopoulos.

“Western Syphilization” was created by:

Dimitris Monn: el. guitar, composition, production

Theo Botinis: el. bass

Kostas Kalogirou: drums

Dimitris Dimitriades: sound engineer (recorded & mixed at Zero Gravity studio: Athens, Greece, 2012)

Yiannis Christodoulatos: mastering

Achilleas Gatsopoulos: artwork

Nikos Mermigkas (Antart Productions): production/ distribution

Western Syphilization album- Released Dec.'12 by Antart productions.
Available at http://antartproductions.com/e-shop/

Last modified on Thursday, 21 January 2016 17:56

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