Not too slow, not too fast. Kind of half-fast. -- Louis Armstrong
Home / Jazznews / Jazz festival in Greece / Tinos World Music Festival 2017 - "Guitars"
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Tinos World Music Festival 2017 - "Guitars"

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Tinos World Music Festival: 5th year - Cultural Foundation of Tinos, Town of Tinos on June 2, 3 & 4, 2017 - Entrance free - start at 21:30
The Tinos World Music Festival was founded in 2013 by the Cultural Foundation of Tinos (I.TI.P.), aiming to include the island of Tinos in a broader intercultural network and to become the meeting point for significant musicians from the Balkans and the East Mediterranean. It has hosted over 100 internationally acclaimed musicians from Greece and abroad, and boosted the emergence of great musician’s collaborations that continue their course in the international world music scene. The festival’s artistic direction bears the signature of Martha Mavroidi.

The Tinos World Music Festival will this year be honouring the world's most popular, familiar and widely played musical instrument, the accompaniment for centuries now to mankind's more lyric moments. As it is every year, the 5th annual Festival will be held in Chora over the long weekend of the feast of the Holy Spirit, 2-4 June.

Classical or acoustic, electric or fretless, with six, eight or even ten and more strings, the guitar is generally associated with Western music classical and modern. But for decades now, it has had an important role to play in traditional, non-Western musical contexts, too. It is this less well-known aspect of the guitar that the musicians invited to this year's Tinos World Music Festival will be spotlighting through their wide-ranging musical quests and approaches.

Performers will include the internationally celebrated, multiple award-winning Ukrainian soloist Enver Izmaylov, whose unique technique and improvisational style reveals the "polyphonic" qualities of the guitar; the distinguished Armenian duduk soloist Galstyan Vahan, who will be joining forces with the guitarist Lefteris Havoutsas to present an authentic but original homage to Armenian traditional music; and Antonis Apergis (electric and fretless guitar) with his quartet in compositions which bring together a host of folk idioms from Greece, the Arab World and everywhere in between.

Artistic director of the festival: Martha Mavroidi
Organization: Cultural Foundation of Tinos
Last modified on Wednesday, 17 May 2017 10:16