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the 14 th celebration of jazz

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Association of Jazz and Creative music present the 14 th celebration of jazz in Thessalonique from November 24 to 27, 2016 at CLUB EIGHTBALL and Avlaia Theater.

November 24
15:00 to 16:15 Introductoon to jazz piano: "The Art of Combing" with Christos Digas (Diploma pianist State. Od. Thes / niki, Graduate School of Musical Studies) + solo piano performance, a tribute to Thelonious Monk
> Participation in the seminar: € 5
* Attendance to the seminar: 14.45

Club 8ball - 21:30 Presentation of the album Jasm Tales with Chris Digkas Jazz Band
Christos Digas, piano / keys - Orestes Digas, e. Guitar - Baptist Digas, contrabass - Alexia Kalliardou, bayan - Nikos Halkias, saxophones - Dimitris Kontos, drums - Alexander Zahariades, percussion - guest: Elena Kourouzidis, voice.
Club support: € 10 - Doors open at 21.00

November 25
Club 8ball - 21:30 "The Popular Jazz Songs" with Michael Hadjianastassiou: guitar - John Kapantaidis: jazz guitars - Christos Digas: keyboard
Lazarus Sultan: drums - Daniel Vogiatzis: alt. sax. - John Ntemogiannis: rock guitars - Vocals: Nazarian Anastasia, Marge tricks
Club support: € 10 - Doors open at 21.00

November 26
lub 8ball -
17:00 - 18:30 From Singer to Musician - Vocal Workshop with Sara Corbo (Graduate of Saint Louis College of Music & Ribalte's School)
Participation in the seminar: € 5 - Attendance to the workshop: 16.45
21:15 Sara Corbo - SKG Connection - Sara Corbo, voice - George Smirnis, e. Bass - Leandros Passas keys - Makis Stefanidis, e. Guitar - George Klountzos - Chrisida, drums
22:45 Manginas trio + David Lynch - Kostas Manginas, e. Guitar - Agamemnon Mardas, contrabass - George Klountzos - Chrisida, drums - guest: David Lynch, saxophone
Club support: € 10 - Doors open at 21.00

November 27
14:00 to 16:00 The Jazz musician Secrets - Double Master Class with Costas Magina & David Lynch
Participation in the seminar: € 5 - Attendance to the Master Class: 13.45

Organization: Alexandra Kaletsari

Venues : CLUB EIGHTBALL, Pindos 1 Ladadika - THEATRE AVLAIA Square YMCA

Information & seminars Entries: 6976027432

Last modified on Monday, 28 November 2016 09:24