Thursday 8/10
Bistrots du monde-Martha Moreleon,Andre'Maia,Marios Strofalis at 22.00 “Akrovatis“(Ακροβάτης), 26 Psaron street & Μezonos Μetaxourgio - 6 euros - Three friends one from Mexico one from Greece and one from Portugal embark on a cosmopolitan adventure across bistrots in Paris, Lisbon ,Havana ,Mexico, Buenos Aires and Athens
Vasilis Vasilatos and friends at 22.00 at BeeRaki, 6 Psiloriti street, Larisa station (metro) - 3 euros - Bordering traditional and ethnic, a musical evening of Greek and Mediterranean sounds. Vasilis Vasilatos on Percusion , Elli Vasilatou – clarinet ,voice - Dimitris Koustas - accordeon, Loukas Gianakitsas – bass
Friday 9/10
Belleville at 22.00 at “Akrovatis“,26 Psaron street & Μaizonos Μetaxourgio - 6 euros - The foreboding atmoshpere of the midwar cabaret,the melancholic mood of Jazz, blues,swing and some original compositions.Dora Tsiga-voice , Irene Anastasiou-cello, Gianni Kafetzopoulos –piano, Petros Lampridis – contrabass, Sotiris Pepelas - trumpet, Thodoris Xristodoulou -percussion.
El gitano de luna - "ΜanoucheDrome Trio" at 22.00 BeeRaki , 6 Psiloriti street, Larisa station (metro) - 3 euros - Α travel to the thirties with waltz , bolero, bossa, and swing some classics from gypsy Jazz and some original composition , all part of the artist upcoming discography. Dimitris Partsaklos-contrabass,Koustouros Giorgos- Gypsy guitar, Psalidas Dimitris -gypsy guitar
Dilemma at 22.00 at Café Concerto, Μaizonos street & 18 Μayer street, Μetaxourgio - 6 euros - With intricate music and projection the artists present a part of their discography along with their favourites all adjusted to the tone set by the atmoshpere. Sotiris Tragas- voice, saxophone, clarinet, flute, harmonica, piano, composition, lyrics Poppy Ntalachani-voice, guitar, piano, composition
Saturday 10/10
The band Carousel in cafes around the world at 22.00 at Akrovatis“,26 Psaron street & Μaizonos Μetaxourgio - 6 euros - All around the world from Thrace to Lisbon, from Napoli to Bretagne people talk about their lives sometimes over wine or raki or beer and turn it into song.Feni Nousia -voice, percussion, Marialena Spinoula – voice, percussion, Makis Papagavriil-voice, percussion, guitar, mandilin, Stavros Katirtzoglou-guitar, voice, Giannis Georgadelis-accordeon, guitar, Apostolos Kaltsas-bass
The Dominant Gipsy jazz project at 22.00 at BeeRaki , 6 Psiloriti street, Larisa station (metro) - 3 euros - The Dominant Gipsy is the latest project of guitarist and composer George Krommudas.Playing compositions from the great Django Reinhart and other Vocal Jazz staples.Along with him the lovely Nasia Gofa on voice. A kind of family affair is the rhythm and melody, since are given by the brothers Kostas Patsiotis on contrabass and Giorgos Patsiotis on guitar,voice having an important role in dominant trio.
“All or nothing at all”- Irini Konstantinidi Jazz bound Trio at 22.00 at Café Concerto, Μezonos street & 18 Μayer street, Μetaxourgio - 6 euros - Jazz standards from an adventure loving trio with a flaming temperament , always flirting with the unexpected and the audience. Irini Kostadinidi - voice, Kostas Giaksoglou - piano, Konstantinos Manos – contrabass
Sunday 11/10
Three Dancing at 13.30 at Café Concerto, Μaizonos street & 18 Μayer street, Μetaxourgio - 3 euros - Original Jazz music as well as remixed jazz standards
Tsakas Dimitris-alto Saxophone,Periklis Trivolis-bass,Dimitris Klonis-drums
Haig Yazdjian – Gioths Kiourtsoglou – Vagelis Karipis at 22.00 at “Akrovatis“,26 Psaron street & Μaizonos Μetaxourgio - 6 euros - A trio of some of the most important Greek virtuosos finding common ground from the known and loved Haig Yazdjian as well as the discography of Giotis Kiourtsoglou(cd titled Hapopsis) and Vagelis Karipis(with the percussion group Krotala)
“My little radio” – Louiza Sofianopoulou,Giorgos Limakis at 22.00 at BeeRaki , 6 Psiloriti street, Larisa station (metro) - 3 euros - Jazz, blues, soul, tango, fado, retro, contemporary... Acousti ,tweaked and playful versIons of favourite international repertoire .From Greece to Argentina and France to America Luiza Sofianopoulou-voice, Giorgos Limakis-guitar
Monday 12/10
Kyriakos Guventas - Orient Express feat. V.Karipis at 22.00 at “Akrovatis“,26 Psaron street & Μaizonos Μetaxourgio - 6 euros - From Konstantinople to Vienna and Budapest to Paris, Kyriakos Gouventas invites us on a musical journey with oriental melodies, Viennesse waltz, tango, foxtrot, polks and hungarian tsardas, in a non – stop & frenetic feast, in a Parisian ambience of the period between the two wars. Along with us are traveling Gianis Tsertos on the piano , Evi Mazi on flute and voice and the «Βιολιστών της στέγης του κόσμου» group of violinists constituted by Despina Sirigou,Vageli Votea ,Kosta Kokkaliari,Alexandros Arxontis and Rafail Vlastari
Voyage jazz trio at 22.00 at BeeRaki , 6 Psiloriti street, Larisa station (metro)- 3 euros - Jazz standards, compositions of Ellington, Coltrane, Davis, Monk, Petrucianni…and some of the Beatles. Alekos Orfanos -piano, Antonis Arvanitis-contrabass, Alekos Christidis-drums
Tuesday 13/10
Dialogue of Erik Satie with Greek composers at 19.30 at “Aggelon Vima” foyer 36 Satovriandou street (Chateaubriand), Omonoia - admission fee and first wine glass 10 euros - Lyrical melodies of greek commposers come together with Erik Satie's gnossiens to a harmonical conclusion. Vaso Kordosi-acting, Kostas Mpilisis – piano ,voice
Encardia band at 22.00 at “Akrovatis“,26 Psaron street & Μaizonos Μetaxourgio - 6 euros - The first meeting of the group in fall marking the begging of pleasant surprizes ,always in the spirit of reuniting with old friends, but also particularly dedicated to welcoming our foreing frieds coming from afar seeking hope and a warm smile. Vagelis Papageorgiou - accordeon, harmonica, voice. Michalis Kontaxakis -guitar, voice, Natalia Kotsani - voice. percussion, Dimitris Tsekouras - contrabass, voice, Kostas Kostantatos - percussion, violin, mandolin, voice, Gianna Chamaleli-dancing, Paschalis Kolentsis-sound technician
ADDicted2music at 22.00 at BeeRaki , 6 Psiloriti street, Larisa station (metro) - 3 euros - The Addicted2music combine a rock band with a traditional orchestra creating a unique sound on an international repertoir from East to West with mainstream and lesser known tracks .Sofia Mermiga-voice-kanun - Dimitris Kyriakakis-voice,klavier,cajon, Pantazis Spiros-electric guitar, Giorgos Papadopoulos - cymbal, clarinet
Wednesday 14/10
Musical meeting on a Parisian café at 19.00 "Αpollonio" conservatory, concert room, 69 Aristotelous street, Athens free Reviving the musical atmosphere of Paris from the time when the first cafe's came to be. Presentation by the upperclassmen of the "Αpollonio” conservatory with voice piano and guitar
Kavafis of Syria and of the Middle East at 21.30 at “Aggelon Vima” foyer 36 Satovriandou street (Chateaubriand), Omonoia - admission fee and first wine glass 10 euros. A tribute to music and philology with poems of K.Kavafis set to music presented by: A.Evagelatos, LKanari, I.Konitopoulos, G.Kouroupos, A.Papaioannou, F.Tsalachouri. I.Iliopoulou-reciting, D.Panourgia-voice, P.Bouras-piano, P.Andrianopoulos-Introduction, musical reciting, R.Bou Saba-reciting in Arabic.
“Paris and dreams...” Tribute to Giannis Spanos at 22.00 at “Akrovatis“,26 Psaron street & Μaizonos Μetaxourgio - 6 euros - Follow along the composers steps through Paris and the banks of the Seine all the way to the New wave and his third anthology up to 80's. Arguro and Erofili Kaparou-voice,Evagelia Mavridou-piano,Anna Laki-accordeon,Guest of Honor Giannis Spanos Interview-speech Aleksis Vakis
"Under the Paris sky"- Ilianna Antoniou accompanied by Elina Gavriilidou at 22.00 at BeeRaki , 6 Psiloriti street, Larisa station (metro) - 3 euros - The soprano Ilianna Antoniou accompanied by Elina Gavriilidou on the piano, present a dremy lyrical journey accross impresionism ,the Belle Époque , the midwar era all the way to golden years of french song and the international cinema.
"Rebetango in Paris" – Katerina Kouretzi at 22.00 at El Convento Del Arte, 7 Virginias Benakis , Metaxourgio. 10 euros wine, beer , soft drinks - Rebetiko & Τango – Parallel routes , common traces of the two music idioms – rebetiko and Argentine Tango, starting from the similarity of their social roots. Katerina Kouretzi –vocals ,Thanos Theodoropoulos – bouzouki, guitar, Roman Gomez - piano,bandone, Marios Strofalis – piano, accordeon
Thursday 15/10
"Café do Brasil" - Κατερίνα Πολέμη Quartet at 22.00 at “Akrovatis“,26 Psaron street & Μaizonos, Μetaxourgio - 6 euros - The Greek-Brazilian Katerina Polemi and friends will take us on a journey to a quaint Brazilian cafe. A night warm in a simple atmosphere rich in melody from bassa nova ,salsa,frevo and many more from Brazil. Dimitris Papadopoulos-Trumpet,Flugelhorn, Petros Varthakouris-Contrabass, Giannis Aggelopoulos-Drums
Half & my other Half - Maria Tsaroucha at 22.00 at BeeRaki , 6 Psiloriti street, Larisa station (metro) - 3 euros - HALF & my other HALF is a live musical show inspired by love and life. Jazz ,soul swing and rock remixes reminiscent of Manhattan piano bars the Berlin underground scene, Broadway musicals ,cinema songs of Chatzidakis ,Leonard Cohen and the Olympians. Maria Tsaroucha-voice, Kostas Anadiotis-piano
‘Les Ombres de la Rue’ – Pavlina Stylianou at 22.00 at Café Concerto, Μaizonos street & 18 Μayer street, Μetaxourgio - 6 euros - Retro inspired cabaret Jazz remixes from Piaf to Brel, Dietrich and Weill. Pavlina Stylianou-voice, Dimitris Kamateros-piano, Grigoris Asimakopoulos-saxophone, Antonis Arvanitis-contrabass, Giorgos Kosteletos-drums
Friday 16/10
Fuga perpetua duo at 22.00 at BeeRaki , 6 Psiloriti street, Larisa station (metro) - 3 euros - From the avenues of Vienna to the alleyways of Bagdad the fuga perpetua duo compose a colour mosaic of music from the west and the east. Stelios Varveris-oud, Renia Xrusoulaki-piano
Swing Parisien, alternative musette! - Les Enfants de Pigalle at 22.00 at Café Concerto, Μaizonos street & 18 Μayer street, Μetaxourgio - 6 euros - Four young men with lots of energy, rock, jazz and world music with classic compositions, old Paris songs full of finesse. Add to that a little spicy pepper and you get Les Enfants de Pigalle. Rémi Cavat-guitar, voice, Charis Stavrakakis - accordeon, Kostantinos Klagos-contrabass, Christos Gerpos-percussion
De todas formas… at 22.30 “Akrovatis“,26 Psaron street & Μaizonos, Μetaxourgio - 6 euros - Flamenco….be it traditional or modern, contemporary dance with or without a guitar, percussion, sometimes without voice, without shoes, with or without rhythm but always with soul…. Based on original musical compositions and choreographies, the artists compose their own unique mosaic always revolving around flamenco Panos Kartimpelis-guitar, composition, Panagiotis Bourazanis-electrical bass, composition, Giannis Papagiannoulis - percussion, composition, Yota "Baron"-voice, Electra Chrysathou - dance, choreography, palmas, Dina Kesse-dance, palmas
Saturday 17/10
Piano duo STAGE2 at 20.00 "Αpollonio" conservatory, concert room 4th floor.16 Ferron street, Athens - free entrance - “1946. In a Parisian cafe Poulenc and Auric enjoy a cigarette while Tailleferre listens to Cocteau reciting, but none of them have seen the cow on the roof Concert with four handed piano with compositions of 'Les Six'. Piano duo STAGE2 : Makris Alexandros, Ioanna-Maria Avraam. Reciting Irene Margariti
Teti Kasioni & Quartet at 22.00 “Akrovatis“,26 Psaron street & Μaizonos, Μetaxourgio - 6 euros - Autumn walk across the world with a mood to escape to places far away. Performer Teti Kasioni along with four excellent musicians: Markos Kotsias on the piano Giorgos Tamolakis on cello, Nikos Papanastasiou on the accordeon and Vasili Rapsanioti on the violin.
Argentinian cafe-stories - Natalia Soledad Petsalis, Costas Vlachopoulos, Marios Strofalis at 22.00 at BeeRaki , 6 Psiloriti street, Larisa station (metro) - 3 euros -
Tales, songs and music from the land of tango and eccentric folklore.
Yorgos Krommydas Trio & Solo ‘A route through the standards’ at 22.00 at Café Concerto, Μaizonos street & 18 Μayer street, Μetaxourgio - 6 euros - Renowned guitarist and composer Yorgos Krommydas on the occasion of lunch of his 3rd personal cd titled “A Route through the standars”, presents live his latest project along with one of the best rythm sections of the Greek Jazz scene : Ntinos Manos-contrabass, Dimitris Klonis-percussion.
Sunday 18/10
Closing Festival’s ceremony at the National Conservatory at 17:00 at National Conservatory Μaizonos street & 18 Μayer street, Athens, concert rooms & atrium. Admission free - Concerts by solists and musical bands of the conservatory’s students.
The festivals artists will say farewell in their own special - Closing party at 21.00
Dj sets
Dj Noua
Dj Xaris Fragiskakis