"I can tell whether a person can play just by the way he stands …If they act too hip, you know they can't play shit " Miles Davis

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Djangofest 2016

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DJANGOFEST ATHENS 2016 on September 20 & 21, 2016 at Athens Technopolis.The largest celebration of gypsy jazz in Greece this year moves to the city center. Athens Technopolis - 100 Peiraios str. Gazi, metro station Kerameikos - Free admission to all acts - Doors open at 17.30 each day.

DJANGOFEST returns to Athens for the 7th consecutive year on 20 & 21 September in Technopolis of Athens Municipality!

Open jam sessions, seminars and workshops, handcrafted instruments exhibition, children's interactive treasure hunt and many more events ...
but above all a lot of music!

For two days, Technopolis will be filled with the characteristic sound of manouche guitars, free jaming and improvisation.

BANDS (in alphabetical order):
-Antonis Priftis Quartet
-Diminuita "Le petit big band"
-Dominant Gipsy Project
Gadjo Dilo
-Hot Club de Grece
-Jim Politi's Ghost Notes
Manouche Drome
-Night And day (Patras)
-Sklira Karydia
-Troi Mat-Jasmovition Project
-Trio Tapi

Dancing groups(in alphabetic order):
-Athens Lindy Hop www.athenslindyhop.com
-Athens Swing Cats www.athensswingcats.com
-Rhythm Hoppers www.rhythmhoppers.com

Handcrafted guitars and sound systems
Participants (in alphabetical order):

-Gabojo Pickups www.gabojo.com
- Leveller Guitars www.levellerguitars.com
-Mamais Guitars www.mamaisguitars.com
-Rm Acoustics www.rmacoustics.com
- Tsiganize as you guitar www.goulielmos-guitars.gr
-Xordofonon www.hordofonon.com


Last modified on Thursday, 22 September 2016 13:36