It's taken me all my life to learn what not to play. -- Dizzie Gillespie

Home / Jazznews / Jazz festival abroad / Call for jazz artists / Bucharest International JAZZ Competition & Festival 2016
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Call for jazz artists / Bucharest International JAZZ Competition & Festival 2016

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CALL FOR ARTISTS for instrumentalists and vocalists - Application deadline: 10 February 2016

Location: Bucharest
Participants: musicians of all nationalities, aged up tu 35 old ( born after 1st of May 1981 )
Prizes: 7.000 Euro
Complete Info: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ,

100 % jazz & more...competition, concerts, jam sessions, jazz workshops...
Bucharest International Jazz Competition is ranked among the first 3 jazz competitions in Europe. It is addressed to bands and vocalists aged up to 35 years, and its mission is to contribute to the acknowledgement of the international jazz values.
An entire week dedicated exclusively to jazz. Between May 14 and 21, 2016, jazz lovers are invited to discover and to encourage the best musicians of the moment, "crème de la crème" or just reaching the peaks of success, from all around Europe and other continents.
Improvisation, explosive energy and the joy to share music - these are the co-ordinates for the 2016 Bucharest International Jazz Competition & Festival.

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Last modified on Monday, 04 January 2016 17:57