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Home / Jazznews / CD from abroad / Mouvements - BIRELI LAGRENE
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Bireli Lagrène - Mouvements - 2012 new album with with franck Wolf (saxophones), Jean-Yves Jung (orgue Hammond), Jean-Marc Robin (batterie).

"The new album’s title track weaves sax and guitar into a Bach fugue, executed with remarkable dexterity over brooding suspended organ chords and an impatient ride cymbal. The evening’s finest new composition, it is also one of the few instances where the guitarist’s virtuosity is innovatively deployed.

On an acoustic guitar, Lagrène’s arpeggiated flutters click and twang with every dance over the fretboard; his deft use of vibrato forging a seemingly endless capacity for tonal invention and comedy. Much of this is lost in this current incarnation and the smooth action of electric guitar, despite Lagrène’s gorgeous command of harmonics." Alex Newman ( http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/d8bdfcfa-fccd-11e1-ba37-00144feabdc0.html#axzz3DmgBHtLW )

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Last modified on Friday, 19 September 2014 19:39

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