Talking about music is like dancing about architecture. -- Thelonious Monk

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Quotable Jazz

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Quotable Jazz
is a one-of-a-kind reference that's as essential to your jazz collection as Coltrane's Giant Steps or Miles' Kind of Blue.

Jazz musicians are well known for strong opinions and a major sense of humor. Quotable Jazz collects the best of these often funny, sometimes outrageous, always enlightening quotes. It's all here -- the vaudevillian ribaldry of Jelly Roll Morton, the warm humor of Louis Armstrong, the insight of Duke Ellington, the acerbic views of Miles Davis.

These greats and many more, both well-known and unsung sidemen, hold forth on a variety of topics including women, race, the music business, the art of improvisation, and that eternal question, "what is jazz and where is it going?"

Marshall Bowden (Author), Mike Rooth (Illustrator)

Last modified on Tuesday, 25 October 2011 18:17