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Blues master Louisiana Red died in Germany

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A protégé of Muddy Waters, Louisiana Red, the veteran musician, real name Iverson Minter, passed away on Saturday (25Feb12) at a hospital in Germany. He was 79 years old.

Louisiana grew up tough in Alabama. His mother died a week after his birth. When he was eight, his father was murdered by Ku Klux Klan racists.

He cut his first disc in Detroit at 17, played in John lee Hooker’s band and worked in the Chicago fish market. A lucky break in a 1982 German movie gave him a new life, a new country, new fame

He was fine singer with a distinctive voice, and an amazing guitarist who could play all of the traditional blues styles and excelled as one of the world’s greatest slide guitarists. He could create moods and textures, both musically and spiritually, and had the ability of falling so deep into his own songs that he would go to tears, making his audience cry with him. That was the gift of this great artist.

Last modified on Friday, 15 August 2014 12:40

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