Calling all artists, speakers and filmmakers one last time: This Friday is the deadline for all programme proposals for WOMEX 12, so make sure you get your Showcase, Film and Conference submissions in by then! If you are proposing a Showcase, please read the note further below.
Bear in mind that this year WOMEX is particularly welcoming Conference and Film proposals around the ongoing jazz & world focus at WOMEX, as well as those exploring the local Southeastern European music industry of the new host region.
This is WOMEX's annual call for proposals, inviting you - the best artists, speakers and films from every corner of the globe — to enrich the programme of the most important world music industry event of the year...
Calling all world music artists and DJs...
Artists// Showcase your talent at the top international gathering of world music professionals. The selected acts will play in front of
the largest audience anywhere of international world music concert and festival bookers (around 700 last year), agents, labels,
distributors, innumerable journalists... in short, everyone you could possibly need to help kickstart, nurture and nourish your career.
This is what Consuelo Arbelaez, European Booking of Systema Solar (Colombia), said about their Showcase at WOMEX 11 Copenhagen:
"I was in the middle of the crowd and it was unbelievable to see the professionals so enthusiastic, jumping up until the end! Festival
producers were asking for our business cards, during and after the showcase, and telling us: 'I loved Systema Solar and want them in our
festival.' Now we are working on our busy schedule for 2012. WOMEX was a great opportunity to give really good international exposure to
the artist."
The Showcase (and Conference) selection is taken on by the WOMEX Jury - the famous 7 Samurai - each year consisting of a brand new panel of
international music biz experts. In 2011 WOMEX received over 750 artist proposals for about 35 slots.
Calling all potential conference speakers & mentors...
Speakers// Share your experience and shed light on the latest trends and greatest innovations in the music industry. In particular,
WOMEX is welcoming proposals around the ongoing jazz & world focus at WOMEX, as well as those exploring the local Southeastern European
music industry of the new host region.
Mentors// Dispense your valuable advice and give feedback to your fellow delegates. Mentoring Sessions are a regular feature of the
WOMEX Conference, offering delegates private 15-minute consultations free of charge with special mentors from various areas of expertise.
The 2011 programme saw more than 40 speakers from 21 countries in 20 Conference Sessions; plus the second International Publisher
Matchmaking; a Mentoring Programme and Speed-Dating. The Conference programme is compiled in consultation with the WOMEX Jury.
"WOMEX is the best way I know to meet, year after year, people from all over the world, with whom I share the love of music and the
desire to exchange, with passion, our experiences and our projects." commented WOMEX 11 Delegate Ourida Yaker (France), Director,
Tour'n'Sol Production.
Calling all music filmmakers...
Filmmakers// Come show your work at the IMZ Film Screenings at WOMEX - your No. 1 platform for world music in audio-visual media.
WOMEX's long-time partner for the Film Screenings IMZ, the International Music + Media Centre in Vienna, will jury the film proposals independently. Last year they received around 30 submissions for 13 screening slots.
Here's a complete list of all the films submitted and the ones presented at WOMEX 11: films from the screening selection can also become part of the World Music Films On Tour programme, a non-profit distribution
project aimed at bringing musical diversity in film and video to a wider public.
All forms and information about how to submit Film, Conference and Showcase proposals for WOMEX 12 are available online at:
Deadline for all proposals is Friday, 13 April 2012.