It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
Home / Jazznews / Others / British Bassist, Educator Graham Collier Dies at 74
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British Bassist, Educator Graham Collier Dies at 74

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The former head of jazz and founder of the jazz degree course at the Royal Academy of Music in London, the bassist and composer Graham Collier, has died at the age of 74, on Saturday in Greece. British bassist, composer, author and educator Graham Collier authored seven jazz books.

Graham Collier had a major influence on British jazz, being one of the first contemporary jazz composers to write extended works for a large ensemble, and one of the first jazz people to receive commissions and tours funded by the Arts Council. He also played an important role in the development of the Loose Tubes Big Band of the 1980s which came out of a big band workshop that Graham ran at the time. He also established the Jazz Course at the Royal Academy of Music in London and and many of the key jazz musicians of the 2000s are graduates of that course.

Last modified on Friday, 15 August 2014 12:47

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