Not too slow, not too fast. Kind of half-fast. -- Louis Armstrong
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The best jazz of 2013

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To satisfy curious listeners and highlight the excellent music, AccuJazz Internet radio has created a “Best Jazz of 2013” channel playing the most critically-acclaimed jazz albums released last year. The streaming channel is free to listen to and available 24 hours a day at

The channel’s programming is based on Francis Davis’ NPR Music critics’ poll (formerly of the Village Voice), which asked 136 jazz critics to list their top albums of the year. Therefore, listeners will hear Wayne Shorter’s poll-topping Without a Net more often than Joshua Redman’s 50th-ranking (but also excellent) Walking Shadows. The playlist features a strikingly diverse line-up of albums, including Cecile McLorin Salvant’s tradition-minded WomanChild, Tim Berne’s abstruse Shadow Man, and Jaimeo Brown’s gospel-infused Transcendence, among many others.’s Best Jazz of 2013 channel is perfect for listeners who are looking to brush up on the best new jazz, or simply want to mix up their listening habits.

Last modified on Tuesday, 14 January 2014 20:13