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Jazz Chronicle – 1979

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For each year, the chronicle mentions the personalities, events, stories, innovations and more, behind the most exciting and influential musical genre of the modern age. 1979 is for Greece the starting point of the Greek Jazz Discography

In Greece

- George Trantalidis and the group “Sphinx” record the first Greek Jazz music record. He was the first to merge Greek traditional music with jazz.
More about it http://www.jazzonline.gr/en/cd-releases/item/1908-sphinx.html
George Trantalidis interview http://www.jazzonline.gr/en/articlesinterviews/interviews/item/1813-george-trantalidis-interview.html

-The first daring duet and the first Greek modern jazz recording at the Jazz Club of Barakos in Plaka by Floros Floridis & Sakis Papadimitriou. More about Improvising at Barakos http://www.jazzonline.gr/en/cd-releases/item/1909-improvising-at-barakos.html

Around the world

-Charles Mingus dies aged 56. Other leading performers join forces in small groups, some of which celebrate his work.
-Mingus Dynasty formed by Susan Graham Ungaro Mingus in memory of her husband, records Chair in the sky .
-In an interview published in Downbeat, Joe Zawinul argues that the music of his seminal Fusion Group Weather Report is based more on Black rhytm’n’blues than on white rock music.
-Keith Jarret ant Jan Garbarek record Nude Ants at the Village Vangard, New York for ECM.
-Pianist Bill Evans makes his last major recordings, in Paris (November 1979)
-The Manhattan Transfer ‘extensions makes a pop hit of Joe Zaniwul’s “Birdland”
-The first edition of Copenhagen Jazz Festival . It will becomes one of the largest and most respected music events of its kind in Europe
-Grant Green dies aged 48

Last modified on Wednesday, 13 January 2016 17:20

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