It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
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Larry Martin "“ Jazz Painting

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Richly colored Jazz Paintings in oils on canvas or watercolors on archival paper.

Having been a ”never-gave-up-my-day-job musician”, playing in bands and piano bars from Boston to Bangkok for most of his adult life, Larry Martin was initially interested in doing Jazz paintings, and music is still my primary painting theme.

Currently, some of his paintings are shown at Recreations' Sidco Drive location in Nashville. Others are displayed at the F&M Bank Downtown and Hilldale, and the YMCA in Clarksville. He have also participated in various art shows, sold at several galleries and had jazz paintings displayed at the Nashville Symphony's Schermerhorn Gala opening.

Last modified on Monday, 18 August 2014 13:35