It's taken me all my life to learn what not to play. -- Dizzie Gillespie

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John froehlich - jazz artist

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With over 700 Jazz & Blues paintings in his portfolio, he has produced art work for cds, music publications, posters & t-shirts. Numerous commissions have been gladly accepted, for restaurants, homes and offices, worldwide !

John Froehlich work’s has been shown & collected internationally. Proudly a Jersey shore resident now, he was born and raised in Manhattan, where for many years, he has seen and drawn many of the Jazz & Blues greats, up close & personal, at such venues as the Village Vanguard, The Blue Note, and Birdland. At an early age, his grandfather, who played guitar for the Dorsey brothers and on Broadway, was instrumental in his great love of jazz & blues music. Which has definitely fueled the passion in his art.

Last modified on Monday, 18 August 2014 13:36