In these 4 days of the festival, the audience and apprentice musicians will have the opportunity to learn, enjoy new band works and live special creative musical days ranging from:
* seminar clinic about handling improvisation
* ethnic jazz with 3 guitars in a presentation of 3rd album
* '90s sounds in a combination of electronic and funky sounds
* Jazz quintet from fresh presences and a drummer, students-musicians of University of Macedonia
* the renewed “Baby Trio” lead by Yorgos Kontrafouris
* presenting Alekos Papadopoulos work entitled “Kroustomania” and we bid farewell to the festival listening to
* blues-soul-r'n'b in a surprise night made by Grigoris Simadopoulos
We invite you to participate with your presence in the “13th Jazz Celebration” and become an open party having a musical pic-nic on something pleasing and constructing.
We thank all the people that are beside us and gives us the impetus to continue and improve each time we prepare and organize a music event.
To Be Well!
Communication / contact person : Alexandra Kaletsari
(Association of Jazz & Creative Music")
Festival venue on the upper space of
Club 8ball, Pindou 1 – Ladadika
event start time: 21:30
association coupon: 3€, 5€ & 8€ (depending on the event)
coordination – editing: Alexandra Kaletsari