It's taken me all my life to learn what not to play. -- Dizzie Gillespie

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the 6th Djangofest Athens

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Djangofest Athens, Gypsy Jazz festival 2015 - 16-18 October 2015, Park Lampidona, Vironas - The great celebration of gypsy jazz again in Athens!

It's almost time for the 6th Djangofest Athens!
On 16, 17, October 18 2015 Djangofest, returns to the park of Lampidona in Vironas, carrying all its actions in its luggage!
Bigger than any other year the participation of bands, many and varied side events for children and adults, music and dance, three days festival with free admission!

Since 2010, that on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Django Reinhardt, when first Djangofest of Athens was held, have spent six years, and now Djangofest, is one of the biggest outdoor festivals in Athens, expected anxiously every autumn!
Within these six years has managed to embrace and be embraced by an audience which is growing every year, give the gypsy jazz music its place in the artistic reality of our country, bring up musicians and bands, dancers, manage this music to be heard on the radio, and the press to start searching about.
And above all to demonstrate that such efforts that are completely self-organized are possible,when there is solidarity and volunteerism, enthusiasm, desire and tenacity!

So, in spite these difficult times but also with huge mood and enthusiasm and choosing again our dear space of Lampidona's Park because it characterizes perfectly and completes the picture that we all had in mind, we give our new appointment on the 16th, 17th and 18th of October under the shade of pine trees and stars for our celebration of gypsy jazz!

The Djangofest gypsy jazz festival in Greece is an initiative of musicians engaged in the gypsy jazz music along with its friends. As a self-organized event takes place with the energy of the musicians and volunteers involved, with the support of Plenty projects and the warm hospitality of the Social Cultural Centre of Lampidona.
All artists involve selflessly and admission is free to all activities.

Bands (in alphabetical order):

-Antonis Priftis Quartet
-Diminuita "Le petit big band"
-Groovin 'High (Patras)
-Manouche Drome
-Night And day (Patras)
-Tea For 3
-The Ghost Notes
-Troi Mat
-Trio Tapi

With their dancing, but also with open courses for all, involving dance groups (in alphabetical order)are:
-Ahens Lindy Hop
-Athens Swing Cats
-Rhythm Hoppers

Along with the performances, handmade instruments exhibition, focusing on gypsy guitars will take place. This year for the first time the exhibition will host manufacturers of handmade sound systems for acoustic instruments
Participants (in alphabetical order):

-Gabojo Pickups
- Leveller Guitars
-Mamais Guitars
-Rm Acoustics
- Tsiganize as you guitar

The festival will also present:
-open gypsy jazz guitar classes by Giorgos Papadogiannis (Diminuita) and Dimitris Politis (The Ghost Notes)
-open gypsy jazz violin classes by Sergios Chrysovitsanos (Gadjo Dilo) and Stergios Lustas (Swingtime Quintet, Thessaloniki)
-open dance classes from all the groups involved
-puppetry (“Django & Stephane”) and interactive treasure hunt for children (Where Django's guitar is?”)
-screening of the documentary "The genious of Django Reinhardt" and the movie "Swing" by Tony Gatlif (2002)
-dj set by Rhythm Hoppers, Margarita Stergiou and Evdokia Prekas
-social kitchen

16, 17, 18/10
Park Lampidonas, Vironas

Friday 16/10 from 18.00
Saturday 17/10 from 12.00
Sunday 18/10 from 12.00

Free entrance to all activities

The complete programme will be announced soon

Last modified on Monday, 19 October 2015 09:30