Not too slow, not too fast. Kind of half-fast. -- Louis Armstrong
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First International Jazz Academy in Paros

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Great success for the first International Jazz Academy held in Paro from 7 to 13 July, 2011 under the artistic direction of Marc Buronfosse (bass player and teacher in the Paris national conservatory of region ) with a great team of teachers such as Vincent Bourgeyx, piano - Sara Lazarus, vocals - Alexandra Grimal, saxophone - Joe Quitzke, drums and Marc Buronfosse, contrebasse

Teachers and students gave their best throughout the seminars held at Lefkes Village and presented samples of their work at concerts held at the Park of Saint-John Deti and at Brazil Bar at Piso Livadi village. They all talked with the best words about the all academy program and also about the hospitality that awaited them on the island of Paros, and expressed their wish to come back next year.

So this is to be continued

See you all next summer for the second edition of Paros Jazz Academy

Last modified on Tuesday, 25 February 2014 18:36

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