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7 th Greek Jazz Panorama

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20 musicians from Greece and abroad, 5 ensembles and 3 nights of explosive jazz - The 7th Jazz Panorama on December 7 to 9, 2017 at Onassis Cultural Centre — 107-109 Syngrou Avenue - Athens - 2109005800 — www.sgt.gr - A three-day festival dedicated to the contemporary Greek jazz and improvisation scene. 4-6 DEC 2015 - 21:00 - Upper Stage -

Wide-ranging styles, original compositions, fresh collaborations and virtuoso solos—that's what the 7th Greek Jazz Panorama is all about. The five featured combos capture the dynamism and creativity of today's jazz scene in the best possible way.

Four outstanding percussionists get proceedings underway. Then, before the Nana Simopoulos Quintet brings the curtain down on this year’s event, we will be treated to avant-garde improvisations, echoes of Coltrane, and that side of the mainstream which experiments with and fuses disparate musical elements.

Thursday 7 December
Nikos Sidirokastritis: drums
Kostas Tatsakis: drums
Stephanos Chytiris drums
Vagelis Karipis: percussion

Christos Chondropoulos: drums, percussion
Paul Pignon: horns, voice
Sebastien Marteau: horns
Giannis Saxonis: computer, electronics

Friday 8 December
Dimitris Tsakas: saxophone
Panos Dimitrakopoulos: dulcimer
Thomas Konstantinou: oud

Ships & Shepherds Duo
Nicolas Skordas: wind, soprano saxophone
Alex Maguire: piano

Special guests οι
Antonis Stavrinos: trumpet
Stathis Diamantidis: double bass

Saturday 9 December
Nana Simopoulos Quintet
Nana Simopoulos: sitar, guitar, voice
Hayden Chisholm: saxophone
Manos Loutas: double bass
Solis Barki: percussion, vocals
John Betsch: drums

Last modified on Wednesday, 13 December 2017 14:03