It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
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Mirabello Jazz Festival 2016

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A delicious and explosive collaboration between jazz stars especially for the 2nd Mirabello Jazz Festival 2016, presenting favorite standards and new original material. 2nd Mirabello Jazz Festival - Friday July 22nd 2016 9pm - Mirabello Park Plaka - Ticket: 10 euro - Artistic Director Dimitri Vassilakis
Dimitri Vassilakis quartet featuring Juliet Kelly
Internationally acclaimed award winning Greek saxophonist/vocalist and composer presents UK’ s jazz diva vocalist Juliet Kelly.
Juliet has a velvety, sexy, smooth and delicious voice reminiscent of Sade with more jazz flavor.
She has gained international fame through her discography and performances in Europe and the US.
She started to collaborate with Dimitri in 2005 for the London Jazz Festival and since then they have played together many times in Europe and the States at big festivals, jazz clubs and concert halls.

Juliet is also an important guest for Dimitri Vassilakis latest recordings «Across The Universe» and «Jazz For Bentley», to celebrate historic jazz label Candid Records 50th anniversary, while on his 2nd album «Daedalus Prpject – Labyrinth» he was awarded album of the year form the BBC.

With them a young trio that is the base for the most important new jazz ensemble in Greece: “next step”. Vasilis Podaras drums, Ntinos Manos bass, Yiannis Papadopoulos keyboards. They have won the prestigious made in New York competition.

Last modified on Saturday, 23 July 2016 10:44