I don't care too much about music. What I like is sounds. -- Dizzie Gillespie
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Megaro Gyzi Festival

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The Coordinating Body of EFFE - Europe for Festivals, Festivals for Europe, is delighted to inform you that the Megaro Gyzi Festival has been selected to receive the EFFE Label 2015-2016.

Megaro Gyzi Festival is now part of the EFFE Platform, initiated by the European Festivals Association, which consists of festivals that stand for artistic quality and have a significant impact on the local, national and international level. The Label recipients represent 31 European countries and offer a wide range of genres and activities to their audiences.

The festival, under the artistic direction of Yannis Papaconstantinou, is held in the 17th-century old family mansion Megaro Gyzi (near the cable-car entrance in Fira, Santorini) with free admission to all events. This celebration of culture in August has been established as an institution in the cultural events of summer in Santorini, attracting the special interest of tourists and residents of the island.

Megaro Gyzi, Fira Santorini
+30 22860 23077

Last modified on Monday, 22 June 2015 20:23