Not too slow, not too fast. Kind of half-fast. -- Louis Armstrong
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Impro Fest 2015

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IMPRO FEST / 2,3 OCTOBER 2015 - 2 days, 12 bands, 52 artists. For the 2nd consecutive year Impro Fest 2015 is a meeting point for musicians and band with a common interest in improvisation and experimental music. Artspace TRIANON - Kodriktonos 21 & Patission 101 - 210 8215469 - Live start at 20:00 - General Admission 7 € - T.I.M.E. Organization & Music Is Network.

The music collective Τ.Ι.Μ.Ε.(Τhe Improvisation Modal Ensemble) and the cultural activities network Music Is are pleased to invite you to the 2nd ImproFest (festival of improvised and original music) which this year will be hosted at the TRIANON art venue. For a 2nd consecutive year, ImproFest will be a meeting point for musicians and groups based on improvisation and experimental, original composition, representing a growing scene in Greece during the recent years which dynamically claims its place in our artistic conscience.

2 days, 12 groups, 52 artists. Through a wide musical spectrum ranging from radical free improvisation to original composition, the musicians shall explore the ideas of time and space, symmetry and asymmetry, in order to construct or de-construct their own acoustic experience and propose a result not limited to the aesthetic but shape a rhetoric of action, evolution, collectivity, selfnessness…

October 2
Dream Storage State
Noisedelic Folk
Ilan Manouach & Christos Chondropoulos
PanNik Project

October 3
RSLG Quartet
Meating for Business
RIOT Sonatas
Noise Improv

Last modified on Monday, 05 October 2015 08:54

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