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UTOPIA's MUSIC FESTIVAL at IANOS, 24 Stadiou str,Athens, October 10-11-12, 2014.
October 10 - 21:30 - Vangelis Katsoulis - Silent Voyage
A concert marking the start of the event and also there-release of the eponymous album.
Musicians: Stelios Chatzikaleas: trumpet, Thimios Papadopoulos: saxophone, Tanya Nikoloudi: vocals, Takis Farazis: piano, Peter Varthakouris: bass, Solis Barkis: drums, percussion, Vangelis Katsoulis: keys.

October 11 - 21:30 - Haig Yazdjian
Favorite songs of Haig Yazdjian, and compositions of Gioti Kiourtsoglou and Vangelis Karipis.

October 12 - 21:30 - Andreas Polyzogopoulos Quartet
Andreas Polyzogopoulos presents for the first time on stage the material of his new album entitled ANICCA to be released soon.
Last modified on Wednesday, 01 October 2014 13:23