It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
Home / Jazznews / Jazz festival in Greece / 9th Preveza Jazz Festival - May 27&28 2011
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9th Preveza Jazz Festival - May 27&28 2011

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For the ninth consecutive year the best representatives of contemporary European music will gather in Preveza in western Greece for the well known PREVEZA JAZZ FESTIVAL.

Artits with international career from Sweden, Denmark & Netherlands will meet Greek musicians, creating a multicultural event and making the PREVEZA JAZZ FESTIVAL an institution for the region. Local Band and parallel events will complete the program and make Preveza the most attractive destination to welcome the summer.

Line up of the festival 2011:
May 27, 2011: The Jammers (Greece) - Nils Berg Cinemascope (Sweden) - Ibrahim Electric ( Denmark)
May 28, 2011: Marzio Scholten Quartet (Netherlands) - The Q-Orchestra (Greece)
Preveza’s Port 21:00 - Free Entrance

Last modified on Tuesday, 31 May 2016 16:53