"I can tell whether a person can play just by the way he stands …If they act too hip, you know they can't play shit " Miles Davis

Home / Jazznews / Jazz festival in Greece / PAROS JAZZ ME UP festival
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Α two days JAZZ festival has been organized on the 24th and 25th of August, in the open theater of Lefkes village. It is a very important movement in the cultural life of Paros island, built up on two basic principles. On one hand the quality and authenticity of improvised music and on the other , the support of local creators and performers of Paros and the rest Cycladic region. The festival is an initiative of ACI (Aegean Cultural Initiative) and KDEPAP of Paros Municipality. Concerts start at 21.00, general admission 10 E (student 5E).

21.00 -22.15 1st part “ Rings around the moon “ John Balikos trio
22.30 -23.45 2nd part “ Silent voyage quartet “ Vangelis Katsoulis
Musicians: T. Farazis piano, A. Polyzogopoulos trumpet , Th. Chatzianagnostou drums , P. Varthakouris acoustic bass

21.00 - 22.00 “ beyond the borders “ 1st part: T. Farazis / B. Rakopoulos
22.00 -23.00 2nd part with Maria Farantouri as Special Quest
Musicians: T. Farazis piano, A. Polyzogopoulos trumpet Th. P. Chatzianagnostou drums. Varthakouris acoustic bass

Last modified on Thursday, 03 September 2015 12:40