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The 47 Voll-Damm Barcelona Jazz Festival

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Barcelona Jazz Festival 2015 from September 26 to December 22. The Barcelona International Jazz festival is one of Europe's premier jazz events with world class performers

Each year this epic fest attracts over 100,000 attendees who come to see over 100 concerts in 20+ venues spanning almost 45 days. Over two thirds of the people who attend come for the free concerts whilst 30,000+ dedicated fans pay for tickets to see some of the best performers from the international jazz scene.

Another thing you should also know is that the BIJF hosts a ‘pre-festival warm-up’ known as the “Barcelona Jazz Weekend“. During this weekend before the festival, a number of free concerts and performances are put on for the early birds to enjoy to get everybody in the spirit. If you can make it this year, I’d recommend going for the ‘whole’ event, including the Jazz Weekend.

Following suit with other jazz festivals (or perhaps setting the gold standard), the festival also hosts a number of special educational programmes that run alongside the event, some free, some paid.

On the line up this year: Diana Krall, Chick Corea, Stefano Bollani, Ambrose Akinmusire, Richard Galliano and many others.

Visit the website for full programme and event details.

Last modified on Tuesday, 17 November 2015 09:52

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