We all do 'do, re, mi', but you have to find the other notes yourself. Louis Armstrong

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Jazz Birthdays - Steve Turre - September 12

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Steve Turre - 1948
One of the world's preeminent jazz innovators, trombonist and seashellist Steve Turre, has consistently won both the Readers' and Critics' polls in JazzTimes, Downbeat, and Jazziz for Best Trombone and for Best Miscellaneous Instrumentalist (shells).

"The jazz world needs more Steve Turres. A powerful technician with a soulful tone and quick wit, Turre is perhaps the leading trombonist of this generation. Turre also wails on his self-designed conch shells, making robust sound that can be both eerie and serene." - Rolling Stone

More about SteveTurre
Last modified on Monday, 12 September 2016 16:35

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