It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
Home / Jazznews / CD from abroad / Dr. Lonnie Smith -THE HEALER
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Dr. Lonnie Smith -THE HEALER

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The first release for Pilgrimage Records, THE HEALER, is an exciting live document of the music that Doc’s working trio (featuring guitarist Jonathan Kreisberg and drummer Jamire Williams) has been wowing audiences around the world with over the past couple of years.

Pilgrimage Records is an artist-owned company created to celebrate the 70th birthday of the one and only Dr. Lonnie Smith. By supporting Pilgrimage, you are directly helping Dr. Lonnie Smith continue to create new music on his own terms and get it to his fans, in a timely manner. We sincerely appreciate your continued support!

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Last modified on Friday, 19 September 2014 19:26

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