It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
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Finnish Ornette Birks Makkonen comic books.

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Main character is DJ, record collector, amateur trombonist and adventurer. Unfortunately only one or two Ornette Birks Makkonen comics are out in English. One of them is Ornette Birks Makkonen Makes Jazz Happen.

Ornette Birks Makkonen is a DJ, amatööripasunisti, record collector and an intercontinental adventurer, whose home is there, where he calculates the hairstyle. Pauli Kallio, written and drawn by Ville Pirinen comic book saw the light of day Rumba magazine in 1993. Today it is published once a month, Sound, and every autumn, Tampere Jazz Happening Journal of the program. This assortment contains 14 English Sound Section. Stands the centerfold of the 2008 Happening special, stop by the saxophonist Matana Roberts and Pippi Longstocking. Other more or less the musical guests are Sun Ra, Howlin 'Wolf, Kimmo Pohjonen, Nick Cave, Dr. John, Elvis Presley, Patti Smith and Barack Obama.

Last modified on Tuesday, 25 October 2011 18:17