I don't care too much about music. What I like is sounds. -- Dizzie Gillespie
Home / Jazznews / Awards / The best jazz album of 2011 by NPR music
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The best jazz album of 2011 by NPR music

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See the best of jazz album of the year as selected by NPR Music

1- Miguel Zenon “the Puerto Rican song book”
2- Gretchen Parlato “lost and found”
3- JD Allen trio “Victory”
4- Noah Preminger “Before the rain”
5- Bill McHenry “Gosth of the Sun”
6- Ben Allison “Action Refraction”
7- James Farm “James Farm”
8- Captain Black Big Band “Captain Black Big Band”
9- Brian Carpenter's Ghost Train Orchestra “ Hothouse Stomp”
10- René Marie “Album: Voice of My Beautiful Country”


Last modified on Tuesday, 13 December 2011 08:22