We all do 'do, re, mi', but you have to find the other notes yourself. Louis Armstrong

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Amateur - 2000

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Magda Giannikou

First Issue Cd Cover, Legend/2201650612, 2000

Reissue Cd Cover, Legend, El Capitan/ ?, 2008

Magda Giannikou: piano, vocals
Μanos Vafiadis: guitar
George Kontrafouris : piano
George Polychronakos : drums
George Giorgiadis: contrabass
Nikos Sakellarakis: trumpet, flicorno
Giannis Bithikostis: mantolin
Natasa Makrinikola: vocals
I.Q. Quartet: Lesya Panomarova: violin - Iris Louka: violin - Larisa Vilegzanina: viola - Susan Northon: cello