We all do 'do, re, mi', but you have to find the other notes yourself. Louis Armstrong

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01 Dec

Truth - 2005

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Yiorgos Kaloudis

Yiorgos Kaloudis: acoustic cello, cello timbres, el. & ac. guitar, 4 string el. bass, vocals, cajon, drums

Sylvan Richardson: 6 string el. bass on tracks 2, 4 & 6

Ruth Hill: kanun on tracks 2 & 9

All tunes are composed and arranged by Yiorgos Kaloudis "Truth" arranged by Yiorgos Kaloudis & Sylvan Richardson

Produced by Yiorgos Kaloudis

Executive Producers: Michael Nivolianitis, Alexander Christaras

Recorded at the Dna Lab studios, Athens

Recording and Mixing engineer: Philip Marinelis

Mastered at ERA studios by Simos Protopsaltis

Artwork: Artemis 1932

Photography: Lambros Papanikolatos

Poem Extracts from Dimitris Hill's book "Oreotita", lolkos Publishers 2003 Poems translated in English by Victor Hill

Dna Lab

Last modified on Sunday, 01 December 2013 19:53

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