“Life is a lot like jazz... it's best when you improvise”. George Gershwin
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11 Nov

Domino – 2005

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Yiorgos Fakanas - Domino

Mike Stern: guitar
Dave Weckl: drums
Brett Garsed: guitar
Bob Franceschini: saxes, flute
Christos Rafalides: vibes
Manos Theodossakis: trumpet
Antonis Andreou: trombone
Stratos Diamantis: keyboards
Yiorgos Fakanas: bass
All tunes composed (except 3 and 8), arranged & produced by Yiorgos Fakanas

Art work and design: Anargyros Dekavallas / Original cover’s photo by George Lizardos / Artists photos from S. Staboulidis and Ch. Kissadjekian

Recorded at City Studio Athens (October 2004 - September 2005)
Dave Weckl’s drums recorded by Dave Weckl at the Garage in Woodland Hills, CA., USA
Sound Engineers: Yiannis Tountas, Christos Peltekis
Mixing by Yiannis Tountas
Mastering Chris Hatzistamou, Athens Mastering, Athens
Initial computer programming: Thanos Papadelis

Dave Weckl uses and endorses YAMAHA Drums, Sabian Cymbals, Vic Firth sticks, Remoheads and products, Shure microphones and LP products.
Dave Weckl appears courtesy of Stretch Records, Inc.


Last modified on Wednesday, 20 November 2013 18:30

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