Not too slow, not too fast. Kind of half-fast. -- Louis Armstrong
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10 Nov

Maestro- 2011

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Yiorgos Fakanas - Maestro- 2011

Yiorgos Fakana’s latest effort, Maestro, was a project years in the making. He was hired to create music for the play, “Fantasy and Fuge”, based on the life of Mitroupolos. Over time he composed ten stunning pieces for this endeavor, and put together a first class ensemble to record these compositions including special guests Alex Acuna, Bireli LaGrene, Eric Marienthall, and Scott Kinsey.
Yiorgos Fakanas Group:
Takis Paterelis: saxes, flute
Antonis Andreou: trombones
Sam Marlieri: saxes, clarinet
Manos Theodosakis: trumpets
Dimitris Sevdalis: piano, keyboards
Alex-Drakos Ktistakis: drums
Dimitris Vamvas: oboe
Yiorgos Fakanas: basses

Alex Acuna: drums, percussion
Bireli Lagrene: guitar
Eric Marienthal: saxes
Scott Kinsey: keayboards
All tunes composed, arranged & produced by Yiorgos Fakanas

Ars Nova Athina Music/ANAM006-11