It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
Home / Discography / Piano Plays -1983
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06 Nov

Piano Plays -1983

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Sakis Papadimitriou - Piano Plays (Leo) free improvisation 1983. Recorded in London, 28 April, 1983 - Leo Records/LR 111 -

This album was recorded in one session on a 2-track machine, without any gimmicks or overdubs on a piano which had not in any way been prepared. All modifications of sound are an integral part of the performance.
Engineer: Chris Lewis
Art Work by Dia Zigoura
Sleeve Design by Chris Gray
Logo Design by Pamela Lyons-Maslak
Front Cover Photo by Kostis Economidis
Back Cover Photo by Giorgos Kaitanzidis.
Produced by Leo Records & Kim McCrodden.

Buy this album: LP

Last modified on Sunday, 10 November 2013 17:50