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24 Jul

Seven Miles East - 2012

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Takoushis / Karapatakis Project

"Seven Miles East" is the new album by pianist Marios Takoushis and bassist Gabriel Karapatakis.
Following their debut album “Sympnoia", this new project aims to develop their music based on the fundamentals of jazz - interaction, improvisation and individual self-expression. At the same time, their source of inspiration for fresh ideas and compositions comes from the Mediterranean culture and tradition and from the use of traditional ethnic instruments. New dynamics are created by the co-existence of the piano, fretless bass with the sax or clarinet, the lyra with the drums.
Saxophonist David Lynch provides a robust tone and melodicism, whereas the themes of the original compositions seem to float with the texture of Zacharias Spyridakis' Cretan lyra. The dynamic pulses of drummer Stelios Xydias and the tone of George Krasides on clarinet capture the essence of this lyrical work.
Marios and Gabriel interact throughout the recording and move their music forward with shifting harmonies and musical honesty.

Now on iTunes, Spotify, Dezzer and all digital stores.

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Last modified on Sunday, 10 November 2013 20:58

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