It's like an act of murder; you play with intent to commit something. -- Duke Ellington
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Jazz Articles Interviews about Greek Musicians
23 January 2013

Michel Legrand

“Ever since I was a boy, my ambition has been to live completely surrounded by music. My dream is not to miss out anything. That’s why I’ve never settled on one musical discipline. I love playing, conducting, singing and writing, and in all styles. So I turn my hand to everything — not just a bit of everything. Quite the opposite. I do all these activities at once, seriously, sincerely and with deep commitment.” Michel Legrand

The Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation operates an annual Programme of Research Grants and Educational Scholarships addressed to foreign (non-Greek) Scholars, Researchers, Artists and Postgraduate Students.
13 November 2012

The Rosenberg Trio

A true family affair, The Rosenberg Trio displays the essence of the gipsy musical mastery and magic, transmitted from generation to generation across countless camp meetings, jam sessions and family heritage...

Guitar Seminar with Jonathan Kreisberg at the Michael Cacoyannis Foundation on November 3, 2012 — from 15:00 to 18:00 — participation: 25 euros with ticket for the November 1, 2012 concert or 30 euros for the seminar only —

Jazzonline presents this exclusive interview of Jonathan Kreisberg, one of the most important guitarists who have emerged during the last years in the Jazz scene. With an intense personal sound and style, Jonathan Kreisberg and his band accomplish to incorporate the audience into a world full of forward musical improvisations, with amazing artistry and originality. He has cooperated with foremost musicians of Jazz scene like Lee Konitz, Joe Locke, Dr Lonnie Smith, while himself as leader in various bands performed along with Bill Stewart, Larry Grenadier, and Scott Wendholt.
09 October 2012

Dianne Reeves

"The only jazz singer with a voice big enough to rival Sarah Vaughan's" New York Times

Seminar with Veronica Mortensen on October 5, 2012 at at Philippos Nakas Conservatory of music at 6:30 pm - Ιppokratous 41, Athens - 210 3634000 —- entrance free —

What values does a jazz education offer beyond the music itself ?

The Jazz Studies program at the Ionian University Department of Music is the only University degree in Greece in Jazz Performance. Starting in 1996 this program has consistently provided the music scene in Greece with some of its best trained and most creative young jazz professionals.

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