We all do 'do, re, mi', but you have to find the other notes yourself. Louis Armstrong

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23 Oct

Jonathan Kreisberg interview

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Jazzonline presents this exclusive interview of Jonathan Kreisberg, one of the most important guitarists who have emerged during the last years in the Jazz scene. With an intense personal sound and style, Jonathan Kreisberg and his band accomplish to incorporate the audience into a world full of forward musical improvisations, with amazing artistry and originality. He has cooperated with foremost musicians of Jazz scene like Lee Konitz, Joe Locke, Dr Lonnie Smith, while himself as leader in various bands performed along with Bill Stewart, Larry Grenadier, and Scott Wendholt.
1- What lead you to jazz and who are your musical heroes of yesterday and today ?My father had a great record collection , with lots of different music. The Beatles, Cream, John Williams playing “the Aranjuez Concierto”, and even the soundtrack to “Zorba the Greek” actually ! But I was particularly drawn to his John Coltrane and Miles Davis albums, so I guess that my relationship with jazz began there. Later I found Keith Jarrett, and added him to my list of great inspirations.

2- What do you think is your greatest success as a musician ?
Good question, but I think It’s hard for a jazz musician to talk about success….because you are on a constantly evolving journey. You set artistic goals, but even as you seem achieve them, the goals are changing and new ones are being created. I learned to accept and even enjoy that process at some point, so now my idea of success has changed. My success is that I am able to live a life full of music and opportunities to communicate with others using that language. So I always feel like a successful guy !!!

3- You are touring a lot . You spent some time in the summer in Italy and Spain and then South America. Where is the finest country to play your music ? Where do you think the audience is the best and why ?
Audiences can be really different but you can have a great crowd in any country…. There are Cultural differences, like an audience in Spain may be more expressive than a shy one in Finland… But you can feel a great energy in any country, especially if you try to learn about and understand the characteristics of the people. I think that many touring musicians miss out on this if they don’t try and learn about the places they visit… We are actually given a chance to be cultural ambassadors in a way, learning through our travels and spreading a message of peace through the arts.

4-You have played with many great jazz musician abroad. Do you have any “on the road” funny story to tell ?
Hmm, well it is often an adventure….

5- A comment on Greek jazz musicians you know ?
They are Crazy in the best way !! I would’ve liked to have met Markos Vamvakaris though !! I’d ask him for some advice on my Zembekiko ….

6- What are your plan for the next months ?
Before this tour, I just completed work on a new cd of solo guitar performances. It is called ONE, and it will be released on vinyl in November and on CD in December. So I’m really excited about that one !
Then I will continue composing the tunes for my next quartet recording and do some performing in the states with my band and also as a member of Dr. Lonnie Smith’s trio. 2013 is going to be a great year with lots of recordings and concerts, so I hope to find some time to practice too !

More about Jonathan Kreisberg http://jazzonline.gr/en/articlesinterviews/musicians-in-town/item/1343-jonathan-kreisberg.html

Interview by Patricia Graire – October 2012 –

Last modified on Friday, 06 June 2014 12:23